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book review – At the edge

At the Edge: Riding for My Life by Danny MacAskill 

MacAskill, quite literally, has the world at his feet ~ The Telegraph

Not the usual travel book, but it still managed to make me dream of foreign destinations so it does count 🙂

The book is Danny’s story of how he became the awesome trials rider he is today! Starting from his childhood and onward to new tricks, jobs, great Scottish scenery and injuries. I’ve also mixed reading the book with watching his films on youtube just after reading their making-off story 🙂 The end result does seem even more amazing now that I know what actually goes into those kinds of tricks!

I’ve also coincidentally read it while planning a trip to Scotland 😀 The trip was initially planned with the Isle of Skye in mind, but the plan changed after finding even more remote parts of Scotland 😛 So, since I’ll be seeing different Scottish sights on my trip, I will, hopefully, not have to worry that instead of admiring the amazing views I will keep thinking did Danny jump off of this thing? how would Danny jump over this? 😐 And, apart from the Isle of Skye, that now got even higher on my must-see list, I’ve also added some of the other places he mentioned to my list 🙂

I first discovered Danny by accidentally stumbling upon this wee film:

It’s a really good one to start with! 😀 Also, in case you are wondering, the tune from the movie is National Express performed by Divine Comedy. I’ve had it on repeat for a few days after watching this movie. 😐

I think it’s great how these videos not only highlight his insane riding skills, but also the amazing surroundings. I dare you to watch one of them and not start daydreaming (of future trips or maybe new tricks?)!

What I also liked about the book was that he also included a chapter with cool tips for making viral riding films. Although the insights he offers are about trials riding videos, I think most would apply to any kinds of videos 🙂

All in all, I’ll surely be keeping an eye on him and looking forward to more amazing videos and tricks!

Do you have any favourite travel books? I’m always looking for new reading material! ?

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